NEW PENTECOST MAGAZINE - Vade Mecum for New Members of Charismatic Communities (e-book)

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We cordially invite you to explore our magazine, dedicated to celebrating the vibrant life of Catholic charismatic communities.

Each one of us has at some point been captivated by God’s love, and this experience allowed us to discover our place in the Church, and, as part of the Church—in charismatic groups and communities. The first encounter with charismatic prayer, with the various manifestations of gifts and charisms, made a great impression on many of us, sometimes perhaps even combined with a dose of anxiety as to whether for sure everyone gathered there is “of sound mind”. However, spending time with the community attracted and fascinated us, and, most importantly, helped us grow in our relationship with Jesus and provided an environment in which the Holy Spirit would gradually shape us, turning us into disciples and then witnesses to our Savior and to the new life we received freely from him.

The beginnings are not always easy, and often questions come to your mind about what this is all about. How should I live with Jesus and grow in grace? What are charisms? What is the purpose of faith-sharing groups? What is my place in the community? And what should I do in it after all?

Other dilemmas sometimes accompany those who serve as animators or leaders in a charismatic community group. They ask themselves how to encourage participants of evangelization retreats to join the community and then discover its beauty and potential, through which they will not only come to know Jesus—their Lord and Savior, but also begin to share him with those who do not yet know him and, through service in the Church, will themselves make disciples over time?

We are delighted to share this first issue of the New Pentecost Magazine with you, which is a compendium of knowledge for those who are just beginning the exciting adventure of community life and looking for answers to similar questions. We also hope that the knowledge offered here will help those responsible for groups introduce new participants to community life and direct their formation in a way that will bring the best fruits of holiness for the good of the entire Church.

Among other crucial elements that make faith grow is the testimony of those who have encountered the Risen Jesus. Years ago, testimony was an ordinary element of a prayer meeting, today one might get the impression that the ability to tell my brothers and sisters what Jesus has done in my life has almost disappeared. In this issue we are sharing with you some testimonies, hoping that they will not only spark in you the desire to establish a deeper relationship with God but will also become an inspiration to share your experience of faith with others.